Minggu, 17 Februari 2019

Edu Passion 2019

Edu Passion 2019

Edu Passion 2018 is an activity of SMA Negeri 3 Bandung organized to give an idea for 12th graders (but 10th and 11th grade too) in continuing education to college. 
In this activity we had to work together with our RBL group to get important information from several Uni booths at the event.
Some examples of state universities are ITB, IPB, Unisba, Unpad, and Unpar. Then as for the college sasta, for example, Maranatha University, Widyatama University, London Communication University, etc.

Then the registration has been opened on the online path. Then there are universities that provide scholarships for the poor, certain routes have been provided. Various ways that can be taken to become new students. There is an SNMPTN path, then there is the SBMPTN line, etc.

Then during the event the committee provided a special room which featured presentations from one faculty from a particular university. Many students participated to watch presentations from students including me. I attended the Pharmacy presentation at ITB. Our department is given various explanations about the pharmacy faculty at ITB. Starting from the location, lessons to be mastered, the cost of the semester, the number of credits, and many more.

So, in my opinion Edu Passion is very useful for high school students, especially 12th grade because it can help us find a university that we think is suitable for us.

Thank You.

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