- Opening Government
Agree to the death penalty for corruptor. The corruptors deserves to get death penalty because they've stole civillians money. If the corruptor only put in the jail, after she/he go out again can do "that" again (the corruptors).
If the penalty againt human rights, the corruptor take the civillian humanright first, because the took civillian money of the country.
- Opening Opposition
The death penalty for corruptor stole Human Rights and the corruptor deserves their second chances.
- Closing Government
The punishment for mango stoler is heavier than the corruptor; this is unfair.
- Closing Opposition
The death penalty is not solution. And if the corruptor is out from the jail, they won't be one of the government anymore so they can't corrupt anymore.
- Winner: Opening Government, because I agree that the corruptors take our human rights first.
# Round 2 "THW ban all pornography"
- Opening Government
It's to easy to the younger people to access "pornography" and it's too harmful and addictive such as smoking and drink.
- Opening Opposition
It's for sex education so it's not that harmful.
- Closing Government
If the younger people watch it before the right age, it will broke their mind until they're adult and it's to dangerous.
- Closing Opposition
It can make us all.
- Winner: Closing Government, because pornography is broke all of us so I agree with it.
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